Tales of from the front line.
Original Post Title--->>>[ Greetings...(bear in mind its was written 3am) ]
Published on November 26, 2008 By -Ue_Carbon In Sins of a Solar Empire

Incoming Message:







Encryption 3593-G43n Dectected. Please Stand By for Decipher.




= Decipher Complete.


Hail, fellow Traders!

I assume if your reading this now your are one of us.

Let me introduce myself, I am Division Patriarch for the -Ue_Carbon Division. I know trader space is vast and Im not sure who has recived this so let me give you a quick introduction to us. '-Ue_' is short for Unified Explorers Corporation. Im sure many of you are well equiped with most of our technology and research. -Ue_ is one of the leading devleopers of colony and space habitats. We are also the key investor in terraforming research. With the creation of the TEC our board of directors and CEO decided it be best to take a back seat and support the effort with minimal political interaction.

But enought with business and politics, I bear news that in the recent months. Both Vassari and Advent have made great effort to push into -Ue_ controled space. With many of our border  colonies destroyed. They have made a push into our heart and had great success. In the last month we have recalled what is left of both our picket defenses and merchent ships, and have assembled a small fleet in the 2 systems we still control. The few times we have been able to gather data and tactical information on both enemy fleets, we tried our best to find weaknesses. With the Advent Iconus Guardian we have found it difficult to combat the large shield it use for defensive formations. Leaving us hard pressed to damage any ship. We believe that the Colbat's Sabotage Reactor abitility might turn the tide but our TATA computers can not give us a clear answer based on current information.

If you have received this message and can be of any assistance, while tactical, materials/goods, or militiary. We ask of your assitance. And if we make it through this, you will have our full backing as best we can.

My this message find you in a better position than us.....



End Message.


Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Nov 26, 2008





Message received comstat.
Central Worlds Emergency Defense in-com.
We are in a dire situation here. The outer ring has been lost and we fear the golden planets will hit by 622:664+1266. Project XSB is well underway and all research efforts have been focused in this area. You'll be receiving the lastest protoype tranmissions shortly for moduler upgrades, hopefully this will hold you off until we bring in the lobbers. Hold tight, our credit holdings are excessive; we should be able to bribe Truvol's runners this season and the next. This will hopefully distract them for the short term. Recruit all bomber reserves and unite the sevvies for a last ditch emergency facilities. CWED out.





on Nov 26, 2008


Does this mean that we'll be seeing -Ue_ tags at Ironclad Online soon (for the online multiplayer game)?  Is there a -Ue_ clan?


on Nov 26, 2008

Craig Fraser




Message received comstat.
Central Worlds Emergency Defense in-com.
We are in a dire situation here. The outer ring has been lost and we fear the golden planets will hit by 622:664+1266. Project XSB is well underway and all research efforts have been focused in this area. You'll be receiving the lastest protoype tranmissions shortly for moduler upgrades, hopefully this will hold you off until we bring in the lobbers. Hold tight, our credit holdings are excessive; we should be able to bribe Truvol's runners this season and the next. This will hopefully distract them for the short term. Recruit all bomber reserves and unite the sevvies for a last ditch emergency facilities. CWED out.






I would like to thank you for going along with my post Glad to see someone got the idea!



Does this mean that we'll be seeing -Ue_ tags at Ironclad Online soon (for the online multiplayer game)?  Is there a -Ue_ clan?


Well you will see me with it. If anything I dont think a competive (sp?) clan is in my future. But I would like to get some liked mind people together for solar conquest. Besides 'clan' I dont feel fit into the whole SINS universe. Maybe if you were Vassari, Corporations should be the phrase instead of clans, but just my opinion.


Anyways, back to character.


EDIT: I see that the fan fiction/lore crowd is small here. Or maybe yall just dont care . Anyways, I will ask my question again. Does there a way to interupt the Guardian Shield ability when there is a large group of them?

on Nov 29, 2008


on Nov 29, 2008

Incomming Message:





Unknown encryption detected, encrypted message saved.

Incomming Message:



Encryption Code recieved. Encryption Code: 89QZ-8B

Deciphering Saved Message




=Decipher Completed.


We are the Ildiran Empire, all connected by the thism to the great Mage-Imperator. I am the head of the glorius Ildiran navy; Adar Zan'nh, which is five thousand warliners stong. Our Mage-Imperator has been captured by an unknown enemy, our capital world Mijistra is now incenerated to the ground along with many of our other worlds. They becaome the Ashes of Worlds. Our history of the golden age of our empire which lasted a thousand years is now falling in the flames. We go back for over six thousand years ago.

Right now all we demand from you is safe passage and a terran planet to settle on. We will let you live in peace, but otherwise if you show any aggression to us, we are not hesitant to absolutely annihilate you from the face of the galaxy.

From here on out, peace be with you,

[IE]Adar Zan'nh

Ildiran Empire Navy

End Message.

on Nov 29, 2008

Incoming Message, Classified 3593-G45m HROO Cipher


Message deciphered.


The following message contains strategic and tactical information on current TEC and Advent military vessels and operations. As such, it is classified by the HROO protocol, available to higher ranking officers only. Upon deciphering and reading, the message is set to be cleansed from the buffer, eliminating all trace of it's existence.

The Pendragon Corporation understands your troubles, but is unable to render assistance at the moment. Our trading docks and refineries have been ravaged by the latest Vasari attacks, and all our forces are currently standing guard, trying to prevent further invasions into our territory. We can, however, offer tactical advice with countering the Advent's considerable shield advantage. We have had limited success utilizing strikecraft screens to pick off important support ships in the Advent fleet. This seems to provoke a basic fear reaction, one that spreads through the Advent minds through their empathic connection. The result is a noted decline in the enemy's capability to organize  or coordinate their operations, which leaves them vulnerable to counter attack. Furthermore, we have discovered certain abilities on some of our larger vessels which can lenghten the battle and tip the balance into our favor. The Dunov Battlecruiser should be present in all major engagements to negate the Advent's shields, strikecraft advantages and to mitigate damage. Akkan Battlecruisers and Marza Dreadnoughts are also quite effective in disrupting the Advent's orderly firing line, one with disabling abilities, the other with space artillery. You are likely to recieve advice on using the Cobalt frigates and their distupting ability. Against the Advent's shields and Iconus shield guardians, the ability is of limited use. You may try for a shutdown of the enemies heavy support vessels, but with a tool as fragile as the Cobalt frigate, do not expect a high survival rate of that maneuver.

We have commenced on rebuilding our defensive line. Once the basic gun stations and space hangars are in place, we hope to have at least a portion of our fleet freed and available for assistance. The Vasari incursions are not predictable, and because of that we can not set a reliable timeframe on when we might send any help. I only hope your message will reach other corporations within the Inner Star Ring, which should be more capable of rendering actual assistance.

We shall think of you when we count our credits.

The Boz, CEO Pendragon Corp.


End Message. Cipher buffer is now purged.

on Nov 29, 2008

Incoming Message



Message deciphered.

Thanks for all the tactical informaition it is helping us now to survive. We are linked by the thism so we are strong in the mind and cannot be faltered. Most of weaponry is high intensity beam weapons and have high-density carbon slammer missile to destroy thick armor which bypass shields.

We found a decent planet to settle on called Krishan int the Horizon Sector and setting up defense, repair, and shpyard platforms.

BTW: if any one wants join the Ildiran Empire Clan please pm with a clan type resume of who you are, what clan stuff have you done before, and what you would get out of joining or please see my post.

With thanks,

[IE]Adar Zan'nh

Ildiran Empire Navy



End Message.

on Dec 01, 2008

Silly Advent and their shields, phase missles ftw. Sorry haven't had to deal with that problem really, especially as TEC, but as Vasari the fully upgraded missles seem to work just fine

on Dec 15, 2008

Incoming message








{ATTACH} [IE]Adar Zan'nh

As an officer of Adar Zan'nh, one Gendron'nh, I humbly thank your admittance through your space. We of the Ildiran are quick to reward allies' kindness, and we shall do so dutifully. I may attempt to repay your kindness here with information pertaining to your troubles.

This is a tactic that I have seen and, admittedly, have engaged in myself. Through a greater understanding of this tactic, it may be possible to run the Iconus dry incredibly quickly. The Iconus need two things in order to activate their abilities: antimatter and shields. To stop their abilities, you need only remove one of these components. There are two units that work in tandem with the Iconus, and that role belongs to the Disciple-class vessel and the Progenitor Mothership. The Disciples may use their abilities to restore antimatter to the Iconus at a near indefinite rate, and the Mothership, if given the Shield Regeneration ability, will continue to supply them with enough shielding to protect the entire fleet. Destroy either the Mothership or the Disciples, and their barrier will fall within a minute.

I hope that the information provided has assisted your endeavours, and that we may continue to be allies in the future.

Best wishes,

[IE]Tal Gendron'nh

Ildiran Empire Navy






on Jan 02, 2009

Standard Transmission....



I thank you all for you words of wisdom. Im sorry in the delay of contact. We have been under heavy Advent propaganda broadcasting. But, I am happy to report now, that we have in fact clear our sector of all threats! We will be looking forward to reconnecting with the trade network. I would also request that you would take a moment to remember all who gave their lives so that we may continue to our part in the war efforts.

Godspeed and the highest regards,

Division Patriarch, -Ue_Carbon

on Feb 22, 2009












MESSAGE RECIEVED (26S3G79-27E39-23E905T8)

Hello? Is anyone out there! This is the Division Patriarch of the Xenon system. We are under attack and ne":?>}{}:><?":>}>"





...... it .. wor^$($  again? Again we are under heavy at$^#* an^ need assi&$*)#$ we cant ho*$ out much lon&$) is anyone out the$&? $^*Q:""?#@!&*&)$@(_#?"&%(@)!&#@"?..........................................................................




on Feb 22, 2009



Plantary Distress Signal




The is%*$###### We are under At#(%Y&% Large Fleet  ^%*&$ Captial Ships.  We have lost con&%$%&@# I say again  we(&^$%()%$** with local stare base.$%%(^$$#$#@$%& Defense  failing. ##@($^$^(!) what do you mean they are tracing are signal^&%(&%^($( oh god a near by cit was just @^$(^%%*()$ Get us the frak out%*!@##^!! Some one  help us@!@&*$@$^^$( plaese  any#!@*#%!$  OH MY....................

Error Signal Lost............

Unable To connect.......

Ending transmission ..........

Planet Lock down Complete Comander

Great Infrom the home world that we are secsessfull and that This Planet will be a valuable asset to Vasari Empire.

Were Are decting Servivers Sir

Kill them They will do nothing but get in the way of our goals

on Feb 22, 2009

Follow the white rabbit...

::File recieved::

...Logging, Format Alpha. File Name: Unknown. Encrpyted::

::Error: Unknown File Format::

::Error: Error Kernal 300192.001, shutdown commencing to save data::

---Shutting down---

. . .


-"Reboot the 3D Communications Hard Drive again! I swear if it's corru-"

::File recieved::

...Logging, Format Alpha. File name: Unknown. Encrypted::

...Open y/n?


::Error. Encrypted::

-/run Binary Decryptor.exe

...Binary Decryptor Running... ... ...


-/run Unknown... ... ...

...Please Enter Security Code::

-Encryption: 3593-G43n.


Read of [...] Complete.

::Reply... y/n?::


-----Textual Input Confirmed----- ...Please enter text now... ... ...

-This is Commander and Chief Silfarion of the Corporation of Free Traders of the Carina Constellation, serving under the authority of the people as President of Carina. We have reached an advantageous stand still against the Vasari threat, we are reclaiming their conquests... we are reclaiming our homes. But the Advent... they are ruthless... they kill and slaughter with no regard to life. I fear our forces are stretched far too thin. Hope is long in coming. Worse still, I fear the common populace is weary. The Carinae star is still ours, and it shines a mighty beacon into the starry sky. The brightest star shall not fall. It's beauty will not become tainted by the unclean nor the impure! We won't lose, we will keep pushing back... keep fighting. 

--The CFT: CC outfit is a loose cooperation of small planets within the Carina system. As President, I find it in my best interest to strengthen it's position within the stars. Aid is withheld, pending two variables. The red tape, of course, but I need a promise... from one TEC comrade to another. Will your aid, once you have become victorious in your sector be used to reconstruct Carina? Can we count on your support in return? If so... then I shall grant you the riches of Carina, perhaps it's a single candle in the dark. But that single light, that little flame, could lead us out of this cave we find ourselves in! We have no affiliation, beyond our TEC brethren. Our offer of alliance stands strong, and so I extend my hand in greeting, friendship, and trust, on behalf of the entire Carina star system. We offer an alliance.

---So say we all.

...Saving document... ... ...::Save complete... Send... y/n?::


...Sending... ... ... ::Error: Full encryption protocol requested::


...Password locked and sent. Encrpytion locked. File sent. ETA - 24.00 E.H. Automatic shutdown in progress...

---Shutting down---

. . .

"Carinae burns bright. Let us hope our brothers can see that."

Hi, I'm the white rabbit!

Anyway, currently I am clanless. And a non-competitive (maybe even role-play orientated) clan would be awesome. Perhaps I could be in two... one clan that caters to combat and fighting and competition, and what that is layed back and fun and roleplaying. Who knows, I can't think very well at 2 A.M. 

What say you?

on Feb 22, 2009





There where just to many. we had to flee.....

I want it know that i sent a distress call to evey system i know.....

no one answered.....

i fear that we are wondering to our death....

i tried reaching Division Patriarch Carbon, but without success.....

I am currnetly heading toward another system where we recently recieved a plea of help.......

I dont know them very well but the people of Carinae, but i hope they accept me as a brother.......

not sure if we will make it or not, they have been hot on our tail since we phased jumped away.........

hopefully i am not bring death to Carinae......




(Recoverd on edge of Carniae space)


hello white rabbit!

my name is -Ue_Xenon. And i guess you could say that -Ue_ is a clan but be prefure corporation. we are not big at all. but would enjoy playing with you if you think you would like to join. we are very laid back and just like to play against computer. the roleplaying portion is what we enjoy. but i encourage you to contine to post on here in the fashion you did, that was a very good post. hope to see another one soon.


on Feb 22, 2009

"This is Argo C.A.P. Strike Leader: we are picking up multiple PSIDAR signatures en route to Carinae on patrol route 31. Can outpost 9 clarify statmarks? I can't get a radio call, are they friendlies?"


"I repeat, do we engage?"

::File recieved::

...Logging, Format Gamma. Filename: SHIPS LOG 3378R89T0E::

-/Open and save.

...Saving... ... ... complete. Read [...] complete.

::Warning!:: Signal Fading

..."That's a negative! Stand down Argo Combat Air Patrol! This is Argo starbase overriding outpost 9, bring her home, those are friendlies out there."

"Roger that, cooling weapon locks, and landing areas designated. Strike Leader out."


"Mr. President! A report was just recovered on the outskirts of Carina space, it appears someone has answered our calls. Sir..."

-"What is it, Lor?"

"It's an entire TEC fleet... and it appears they're being pursued by something!"

-"Bring up the main control array."

-/Activate Tactical Command Relay Station

::Tac com Online::

/Open Communications Channel

...Connecting. Connection Succesful!

-"This is Argo Command Starbase of the Carinae Formation, President Silfarion of the Carina Constellation speaking. Does anyone read me? We see your PSIDAR signatures, do you require assistance? We are more than fully armed and prepared to aid in the defense of the Carinae system, any friendly TEC are welcome he-"

"Sir.... new PSIDAR readings.... Oh God... the fleet that's chasing them... it's huge... I've never seen so many ships before..."

-/Activate Defensive Systems on all Carinae starbases. Call to arms, command Alpha Omega

::Alpha Omega Command Accepted. Defenses activated::

-"This is Commander Silfarion, all CFT: CC ships around Carinae engage Action Stations. We're going to the aid of our brethren!"

---Communications Relay Closed---

. . .

The white rabbit is back. =D

So a corporation it is. I think it'd be a blast roleplaying in game. I already kinda do it by myself... but it makes me feel... sad. Haha. I think I'm really tired though... I'm losing ideas for posts.


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